The Rebel
Just so you can get the citations straight when discussing an album title ("Absolutely Free") and Zappa recognizing Camus as an influence on the "Freak Out!" list, here is the original quote from Albert Camus:
"Le seul moyen d'affronter un monde sans liberté est de devenir si
absolument libre qu'on fasse de sa propre existence un acte de révolte."
It comes from "
The Rebel", (
French title:
L'Homme révolté), 1951.
Read in English translation c. 1962 in the Pomona Valley. There were only two bookstores in the village that sold this very edition, although the title was likely available at the college bookstores. One was adjacent to Barrett's Drug Store, the other on Yale and Bonita kitty corner from the Sugar Bowl Cafe. Camus had just died a few years prior to these readings in 1962.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”