Monday, October 07, 2013
  Notions of Chance and Found Objects in Music (Compositional Intentions)
In those earlier gentler times I write so fondly of, before your perceptions of Frank have been muddied by time and what you think you might know and have been exposed to what other experts have written and might have heard what they've said all to bend your own perceptions towards at least one version of the truth (their own) ....

Frank and I would listen to Lovey Dovey

And we all would see the Clovers on tv, too, make a special point of tuning in though they might not have been singing "Lovey Dovey".

Frank would made fun of me mercilessly. He liked my National Fan Club, but felt I was wasting my time on the guy.  He'd laugh about the title "Chicka Chicka Honey" and sarcastically remark on the name "The Jolly Drifters". 

And I would say (bluh feh blah blah can't remember my exact words) but kind of: "I don't care what you think about this, it's rockabilly guitar, though not as good as Scotty Blackwell."  Though not all in a line like that at once.  And I thought "laughter, loving, living fine" was something to genuinely aspire to.

My sister who was hoping at one time to be more involved with Frank once he was unmarried, even she began pulling away from him about the time he disappeared from our lives for a year without a peep ... She said "He's just like Daddy".

Daddy was:

a control freak but couldn't bother with people he couldn't control
had a temper that made you leave the room
was dictatorial
was always right
said we didn't give him enough credit for what he'd accomplished (but said in a snide knowing way)
was a good provider
looked out for his family
didn't understand women
demeaned women
was only interested in what he was interested in
was distant
was engaging and personable
had a nice smile (all the better to fool you)
was a Democrat interested in Presidential politics and international events
made fun of my mother's cooking
thought women should be subservient (like he was an oriental pasha or something and women were harem dancers to arrive when the hands are clapped for service)
didn't dance
knew the value of a buck
was a good businessman
had a sense of humor
was highly competitive
was "alone" except for his family as his friends were business acquaintances
was intelligent (and was aware of his own attitudes but unwilling to change them)
was a fighter and never quit
didn't drink
smoked cigarettes
drank coffee
wore clothes we sometimes laughed at
had a foul mouth and would curse when he was mad or unaware women were around
played the radio in the car
and on and on and on
(and according to my mother, he spoiled us kids rotten and was a harsh disciplinarian)

Pop psychologists say if a girl has a good relationship with her father, she marries her father.  My sister said she didn't think she could love any one.  She said she didn't think Frank really loved anyone, he was just familiar with them, enjoyed their company when it was convenient to him, and some of these familiar people could be his friends.

Before we go too far in this exercise, if you still have interest, I will warn you that the Name Game (or Same Name Coinkydink Game) will be taxing to you, because I have all the answers like they're the plastic template for grading a multiple choice quiz AND THE PAIRINGS ARE NOT STRICTLY SPEAKING LINEAR ASSOCIATIONS though they are CHRONOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS (or at least the best that I can make them.) 

You would be guessing wildly and there is only one right answer as far as I am concerned, though I am willing to listen to you explain your incorrect answers and how you derived your solutions.  For instance, how would you know that Frank would laugh about OAK PARK, ST AUGUSTINE, and JIMMY GUY or WHY?  You wouldn't ... you wouldn't be able to guess in a million years unless I connected the lines for you.  That mental process, "OAK PARK" laughter, is a recognition of Carl Jung's explanation of synchronicity, in a verbal fom.  We call it coinkydink.  Others, non-believers I might add, say "coincidence" or "random occurrence."  And those types, if this happens too often, say "Hmmm That's interesting." 

Banana nana fo fanna

Be prepared to exgaust yourselves because Frank, like us, loved word play, and that includes all conceivable versions of Banana Nana Fo Fanna .... even homophonic names and foreign language equivalents (BUT IF IT SHOULD INVOLVE A REAL LIFE ENCAPSULATION OF A PERSON (which would be a literary representation to some) .... like that Schumo coffee ad below, WOW!!  I'd get BIG SCORES from Frank like I won a game of jai-lai).


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