So Frank moved around in that often arch-conservative stuffy little village I've spoken of so often here and usually not at all fondly and in not so kindly terms. And I ambulated in the vicinity there, too, so I know whereof I speak.
This is the same precious village with the eucalyptus and sycamore and carob trees and little old ladies in electric golfcarts, all centered around prestigious and expensive learning institutions that were equally difficult to really love and respect in an all encompassing nonjudgmental let's say earthmom way.
Especially given the intellectual atmosphere pervading and oftimes clogging the air throughout the community, with minute particulates in such overall outgassing which would be every bit as damaging and potentially dangerous as the unidentified yet poisonous elements in the smog beginning to encroach into the region. The right-wing arch conservative atmosphere sometimes could seem large, though individually the wherewithall was often wispy and slight as, nevertheless such thoughts and beliefs were as numerous as sour oranges in the region, and those mentalities often combined into a fog and seemed sometimes to grow larger still and form into a much denser and darker cloud. These influences would appear sometimes in our region, and you could sometimes catch a glimpse or thought you might have seen such a specter here or there, like the one(s) that sent an actor's son down the road for his education.
And judging from the gossipy item about those Hollywood types arriving to place foot on tread to step up to most treasured and marbled stair, supplicants armed only with dough and desire and hopeful expectation, only to have those hopes gently and administratively and effectively disabued as that town crier in the small local paper so gleefully anticipated, by proclaiming their short tourist stopover with the title "
They Came to Claremont". The title drawn from a film of a similar name, and I even as a kid just said to myself about the admissions board, "I guess they didn't like the movie."