Virtual Conferencing Reports Filed Online
The Feminism and Hip-Hop Conference (Chicago, April 7-9)1.
The upcoming conference as reported in the press.
2. Reactions post-conference. In the newspaper world,
Davey D says this is the best he's ever attended. He promises issues raised at the conference will be discussed on radio, and archived for online listening.
Insightful conference looks at role of women in hip-hop
Davey D
This past week, some 2,000 people descended upon the University of
Chicago for the landmark conference Feminism and Hip Hop.
Topics included power and gender dynamics in the music industry; the
images of women in hip-hop; the roles men play, or could be playing,
in combating misogyny; hip-hop in academia and politics; and the role
of media. The minimum number of people attending the panel
discussions numbered in the hundreds.
Of all the music conferences I have attended over the past 20 years,
Feminism and Hip Hop easily ranks as one of the best. This wasn't
about bashing men, having long-winded gripe sessions or using the
stage to plug new books or albums, which has been the downfall of too
many conferences.
For many of those attending, it was about keen insights into the
issues addressed as well as possible solutions. One got the sense
that change in the industry is on the horizon because of the
seriousness with which issues were discussed and the networking that
went on. This was one of the first conferences I've seen where
academia and grass-roots activists came together.
Many participants acknowledged that the next crucial step will be to
build alliances with women in the industry who, time and time again,
have spoken out about the insidious practices behind the scenes.
There seems to be a new determination and commitment to put an end to
some of the nonsense the industry insists on feeding us.
The discussions were not only insightful and inspiring but also
refreshingly and brutally frank.
Much of what was discussed at the conference will be revisited over
the next couple of weeks, starting Monday, on KPFA-FM's (94.1) "Hard
Knock Radio Show," starting at 4 p.m. weekdays.
The shows and panel
discussions will be archived both on and on
3. In the world of live journals, the journalist known as MJ gives her impressions of the FHHC at How'd We Get From the Pyramids to the Projects:
By Popular Demand, the FHHC Pt. 1 (Initial Report)Feminism in Hip Hop Conference Part Deux I'd Pay My Taxes But What Would I Be Buying? (includes a list of links to more online coverage on FHHC)
Music Music Journalism