"Here’s one of the deep, dark secrets of my industry: It’s not that music critics are frustrated musicians who long to step into the spotlight themselves. Most of us just crave more of a dialogue with the musicians whom we review -- not to pester them about their private lives, but to make some headway in the eternal debate about what separates good music from the bad."
(This lead-in grabbed my attention, and I was beguiled, believing this was the beginning of a thoughtful look at some of the tensions associated with (published) writing interacting with (well known or recognized) music. But the
article soon descended into describing an email exchange with a singer who reacted to a flip remark. )
Elsewhere on today's internet, a pained look at a "blacklisted writer" who once rubbed elbows with some who have achieved legendary status. He writes about those experiences now, and explains why in the "
Go Between".