Driving your Blog past the mournful graveyard of cultural criticism (Keep your mind on your driving, and your hands on the wheel -- keep your dirty eyes on the road a-head ...). A discussion of blogs, public intellectuals, and, of course, a comment on the death of cultural criticism as we knew it ...
"The democratization of criticism -- as in the Amazon system of readers' evaluating books -- is a messy affair, as democracy must be. But the solution to the problems of criticism in the present are best not discovered in the musty basements of nostalgia and sentiment for the cultural criticism of a half-century gone. Rather the solution is to recognize, as John Dewey did almost a century ago, that the problems of democracy demand more democracy (against the corporatization of culture), less nostalgia for a golden age that never was, and a spirit of openness to what is new and invigorating in our culture."
The Chronicle, 7-2-04 via the
mediabistro list)